Lori started working in Vital-Side in 2022 after using Vital-Side's Rewire program in 2021 after she and her children suffered from chronic conditions for too long. Since her recovery, Lori has worked as Vital-Side's Operation's Manager, Member Support Specialist, and Group Facilitator. She has spent countless hours working alongside Lindsay and providing new content, information, and bringing her own special flare to brain retraining.
Lori has a background in psychology and worked as a pediatric counselor. She has been in the holistic health world for nearly 10 years now and has found brain retraining to be a huge piece of her healing puzzle. She is passionate about sharing her story and helping others see their own capability for self-healing.
Here's what she says about her journey using brain retraining in Rewire:
"I have noticed a decrease in basically every symptom. When things do pop up after stressful events, picking up my practice and using the tools more often brings them right back down. I don't feel like I would even qualify for an MCAS, POTS, RA or Lyme diagnosis. I no longer have reactions to many of the things I used to. Digestive struggles are 90% better. This is the last thing I am working on. Anxiety and depression are gone, I'm able to move through emotions much better when things do arise, no more ruminating. I no longer experience joint pain or migraines. My sleep has been greatly improved and when I don't get enough sleep, it no longer affects me the next day. My reactions to mold are very minimal and they don't last for days anymore. The best thing though, has been having a more positive outlook on life. It can't be explained, but after only seeing the negative and never seeing the positive, it's refreshing and still feels a little odd to truly see the positive in everything."