The Release ™ Series



⭐️ Release is designed to be a touch point for you as you start to navigate the ins and outs of your mind, body, and the thing that connects it all -- your nervous system.

⭐️ Uncovering the power of your nervous system is like discovering a super human strength that you never knew you had. Release is the first step to model regulation to your survival responses to access a better physiological communication.

⭐️ In about 15 minutes per day, you will experience a reconnection to self, a physical release of tension, and a starting point to uncovering the power of your nervous system.

What is the Release Meditation Mini Series?

⭐️ A 3-part meditation series designed to be completed in 3 weeks.

⭐️ It walks you through Reconnection, Release, & Recommitment to self.

⭐️ It's designed to help you connect with and release your survival responses.

Preview the 3-part meditation Release series here 👉🏻 THIS LINK.

Not sure if this is for you? First off, this is not a course - it's a meditation series that includes somatic practices like breathing, gentle movement, and other bottom-up regulation tools combined with top-down regulation practices to shift how you think about your survival responses & beliefs attached to survival.

Designed for you if: you're dealing with daily inflammation that can occur with repetitive thinking, perfectionistic tendencies, and physical ailments.

These meditations are limbic system specific and created for people to calm their limbic brains, whether you're brand new to brain retraining or have been a Vital-Side member for years.

The meditations will allow you to go deeper with the connection to your limbic brain to start to understand your brain & body better.

We use also use music & visuals in the meditations to support alpha brain waves 🧠.

Other FAQs:

🤚🏻 You'll receive 3 meditations that are an average of 15 mins.

🤚🏻 Each meditation is created to be used once a day X 1 week.

👉🏻 Your commitment: 15 mins each day X 21 days.

🤚🏻 You'll receive lifelong access to all 3 meditations.

🤚🏻 Use these meditations as often as you'd like after 21 days.

👉🏻 Your commitment: nervous system regulation to access rest-and-digest.

(Bonus - you'll get follow-up emails with discounts to additional nervous system regulation tools & programs).

The Release ™ Series