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Essential Guide to Nervous System Regulation

Maintaining a healthy nervous system is crucial for overall well-being. Understanding its functioning and impact on daily activities is essential. The collaboration of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems regulates vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, and stress response. 

Imbalances caused by chronic stress, past traumas, or mental health conditions can disrupt this equilibrium. Recognizing these warning signs early enables proactive intervention.

This blog outlines various strategies, such as deep breathing, cold showers, and mindfulness, to support optimal nervous system function. Implementing these techniques empowers individuals to enhance their physical, mental, and emotional health through better nervous system management. 

What is the Nervous System?

Alt text: Human Nervous system

The nervous system is a complex network of nerves and cells that transmit signals between different body parts. It controls and coordinates all bodily functions, from basic breathing to more complex thoughts and emotions. The nervous system is divided into two main parts: the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (nerves that branch out from the spinal cord).

What is Nervous System Regulation?

Nervous system regulation refers to the mechanisms and processes that maintain the balance and proper functioning of the nervous system. It involves coordinating the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems to manage essential bodily functions such as heart rate, digestion, and stress response

Effective nervous system regulation ensures optimal health and well-being by responding appropriately to internal and external stimuli, including various physiological states.

The Four Pillars of Nervous System Regulation

The nervous system stays balanced and healthy through four main areas: 

  • Body 
  • Mind
  • Connection, and 
  • Spirituality

Here's a detailed explanation of these pillars for regulating the nervous system:

1. Body

Your body has a crucial role in keeping your nervous system in check. The sympathetic and parasympathetic systems work together to manage how your body reacts physically, such as changing heart rate and blood pressure. 

If things get out of balance, chronic stress can mess with your physical health, causing issues such as high blood pressure or ongoing pain. 

By exercising, taking deep breaths, and splashing yourself with cold water, you can help keep your autonomic nervous system running smoothly. These actions show just how connected our minds and bodies are by helping to maintain a regulated nervous system, which is key to managing stress levels and boosting overall health. 

Massage therapy is another effective way to regulate the nervous system. It can help activate the parasympathetic division and increase blood flow and oxygen throughout the body. By promoting relaxation and balance, massage can also improve sleep and concentration, making it an essential tool for maintaining a healthy nervous system.


Our nervous system works in tandem with what our mind thinks. Our thoughts and feelings can really change how well parts of our nervous system talk to each other - that's the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems for you.

When we take time for mindfulness, such as meditating, writing down our thoughts, or going through cognitive behavioral therapy, it does wonders for our mental health. By helping us stay calm and focused, these practices help keep stress hormones in check, improve heart rate variability, and manage how we react emotionally. 

This makes us healthier overall by keeping the balance right in how our autonomic nervous system responds to things around us. Looking after our mental health is a powerful tool if we want everything inside to work smoothly together.


One important thing to know about how our bodies work is the idea of being connected. Inside us, there's a complex web of nerves, including two main parts called the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. These play a big part in controlling what happens in our bodies. 

The way these systems talk to each other affects how we react to different things that happen around us or the stress we might feel. By getting better at this connection stuff, people can handle their feelings more easily, think clearer, and be healthier overall. Doing activities like paying attention on purpose through mindfulness meditation, taking cold baths, and hanging out with friends in positive ways can make this nerve network work better for you. This leads not only to feeling more balanced but also to living a happier life with the help of the Nervous System Solution.


Spiritual activities like meditation and mindfulness can do wonders for controlling your nervous system. When you engage in spiritual activities, the parasympathetic part of your nervous system kicks in. This helps slow down your heart rate and makes you feel more relaxed. 

Spirituality can also reduce stress hormones, which is great for emotional and mental health. Adding these practices to your daily routine boosts how good you feel overall and improves your life.

What are the Signs and causes of a dysregulated nervous system?

Signs of a dysregulated nervous system can manifest in various ways, including constant feelings of stress or anxiety, difficulty focusing or sleeping, mood swings, digestive issues, and chronic fatigue. These symptoms can significantly impact one's quality of life and overall well-being.

Potential signs of a dysregulated nervous system may include:

  • Heightened levels of stress or anxiety, 
  • Trouble concentrating or sleeping, 
  • Sudden mood changes, 
  • Digestive problems, and 
  • Persistent fatigue. 

These indicators can have a significant impact on an individual's daily life, affecting their mental and physical well-being.

Dysregulated nervous systems can result from chronic stress, trauma, unhealthy lifestyle habits, genetic factors, or underlying health conditions. 

How to Regulate the Nervous System?

Here are a few effective ways to regulate your nervous system. These include breathwork, picturing calming scenes in your mind, thinking positively, making time to be outside and more. Let's get into the details. 

Alt text: Girl doing Deep breath exercise

1. Take deep breaths

When you're feeling stressed, one of the quickest and most effective nervous system regulation exercises is taking deep breaths. With each deep breath, you activate what's called the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps regulate the body's response to a stressful situation. This helps slow down your heart rate and brings on a sense of relaxation. It's like hitting the pause button when your body starts freaking out due to stress.

By simply focusing on breathing deeply, not only do you help calm both your mind and body but also improve how much oxygen gets around in your system, make it easier for your heart to do its job variably, and even reduce those pesky stress hormones known as cortisol.

2. Follow the 30-90 second rule

When you feel overwhelmed, consider using the 30-90-second rule. This method involves taking a brief break to relax your nervous system. Pause for 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes, focus on your breath, or visualize something soothing. This short interlude can shift your mood from highly reactive to composed. 

It is effective in maintaining mental clarity and emotional stability during busy times. 

Remember, these brief pauses can significantly enhance your overall well-being.

3. Visualize your emotions

Seeing your feelings in your mind is a powerful way to understand and handle them better. When you do this, you're basically getting in touch with how you feel on the inside, which helps you know yourself more. By picturing different emotions or situations, it's easier to deal with tough feelings and calm down your nervous system. 

This method isn't just good for dealing with stress; it also makes us smarter about our emotions. With practice, we can get better at controlling our feelings and feeling happier overall. So, try to make a habit of imagining how you feel regularly—it's great for keeping both your mind and nervous system healthy.

4. Practice detailed mind-wandering

Try to practice detailed mind-wandering for nervous system regulation. It's about letting your thoughts roam free and paying attention to what goes on in your head without being hard on yourself. This way, you get better at understanding how you feel inside. Think of it as a peek into the secret parts of your brain, where all sorts of feelings and reasons for why we act the way we do are hidden away. 

By getting deep into your thoughts, you can spot patterns or links that affect how calm or stressed you feel. This helps you figure out why things might not feel right emotionally and fix them from the root up. 

Using detailed mind-wandering is like having a powerful tool for ensuring our nervous system works smoothly, leading to clearer thinking and happier overall feelings.

Also Read: Caring for Your Nervous System During Life's Transitions

5. Bring in more positive thoughts

Thinking good thoughts can really affect how your nervous system works. When you fill your mind with positive vibes, it helps balance the two parts of your nervous system—one that gets you ready for action and the other that calms you down. 

By thinking positively, you can lower stress hormones, keep your heart rate steady, and boost your happiness and emotional health. If you take time to focus on being thankful or saying nice things to yourself, your body will go into a chill mode instead of being all geared up to tackle danger.

6. Take a cold shower

When you step into a cold shower, it's like flipping a switch in your body. Your heart starts beating faster, and your blood pressure goes up for a bit. This is because the cold water makes your sympathetic nervous system kick into gear, which can make you feel like you're ready to either run away or stand and fight. 

Taking cold showers or cold plunges isn't just about waking yourself up or cooling down; they actually offer some pretty neat benefits for both mind and body. They've been found to be good for lifting mood, sharpening thinking skills, fighting off germs better thanks to an immune boost, and generally keeping emotional health in check. 

It turns out splashing around with cold water is more than just refreshing—it serves as a powerful tool for managing how our bodies function day-to-day by playing crucial roles across various systems, including our autonomic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, vagus nerve, blood pressure regulation, and even impacting physiological responses related to stress. 

Also Read: What is Somatic Healing and How Can It Help with Burnout?

7. Try Polyvagal therapy

Polyvagal therapy involves relaxing the nervous system by focusing on the vagus nerve. Certain exercises and techniques strengthen the parasympathetic part of the nervous system, which helps you relax and reduce stress. 

When we tap into the vagus nerve through this therapy, it can help keep our heart rate steady, make us feel emotionally better, and improve how good we feel overall. It's been really helpful for people dealing with things like anxiety, PTSD, and long-lasting pain. 

Essentially, polyvagal theory and therapy use a holistic way to tweak our nervous system back into balance, making it a powerful tool for both mental and physical health improvement.

8. Consider getting an emotional support animal

Having an emotional support animal around helps keep your nervous system in check. A supportive pet kicks the parasympathetic nervous system into gear, slowing down your heart rate and helping you feel more relaxed. 

Pets give us friendship and love, which is great for our mental health because it lowers stress hormones in our bodies. The special connection we share with them can make us less anxious and improve how we feel emotionally. 

On top of that, taking care of a pet gives us something to do regularly, giving people who have trouble regulating their nervous system a sense of purpose and routine. It's worth thinking about using this powerful tool if you're trying to keep your nervous system regulated.

9. Move your body

Getting active is a great way to keep your nervous system in check. Moving around does wonders for your physical and mental well-being. By exercising, you're helping your parasympathetic nervous system kick in, which lowers stress hormones and helps your body feel more relaxed. It even improves heart rate variability and boosts the overall health of your heart. 

Whether you hit the gym hard, stretch out in yoga, or just go for a quick walk outside, moving your body is crucial for keeping your nervous system well-balanced. 

Staying active on a regular basis can lead to improved sleep quality, better mood, and sharper thinking skills. So, always pay attention to the profound impact that getting some exercise can have on feeling good all around.

Also read: Healthy Goal-Setting Tips for Coping With Grief

10. Spend time outdoors

Getting out into nature is a really strong way to help keep your nervous system in check. When you spend time outside, it kicks the parasympathetic nervous system into gear, which can lower your heart rate and blood pressure. 

Breathing in fresh air and being surrounded by greenery helps fight off the long-term stress we all face, making us feel mentally and physically better. Studies show that doing things outdoors, especially in times of high stress, can improve sleep, boost immunity, and improve overall health. 

Even something as simple as a quick stroll through the park or a hike among trees can do wonders for how you feel inside and improve the functioning of your brain. It's important to try to get back to nature often, especially during times of high stress, if you want to keep your nervous system running smoothly.


To wrap things up, it's really important to pay attention to and control your nervous system for your overall health. By looking after your body, mind, relationships, and spiritual side, you can handle stress better and keep a good balance of feelings and thoughts. 

When you notice the signs that your nervous system is out of whack, doing things like deep breathing exercises or getting moving can help get everything back in line. 

Make sure to take care of yourself by spending time outside and talking to someone professional if you need it. Since the nervous system is key to staying healthy, taking good care of it should be high on your list for leading a happy life.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Tell If My Nervous System Is Dysregulated?

When your nervous system is out of whack, you might notice things like your heart beating fast, your hands getting sweaty, feeling really stressed all the time or dealing with stress that just doesn't go away. 

What is the dysregulation of the nervous system?

When the nervous system isn't working right, it's like it's out of balance. This can make a person feel super stressed, have sudden mood changes, and find it hard to control their emotions. 

What are the signs of a dysregulated nervous system?

There are various signs of a dysregulated nervous system. For starters, you could have physical problems like ongoing pain, headaches that just won't quit, or stomach troubles. 

What functions are regulated by the autonomic nervous system?

The autonomic nervous system regulates various involuntary body functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, respiratory rate, and body temperature. 

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